Cyberforce battles Cyberdata once and for all. Meanwhile, Stryker has infiltrated Mother-May-I's gang to find a weakness in her dealing with Cyberdata and dismantle the criminal organization. It is eventually revealed that Mother-May-I is the actual mother of both Velocity and Ballistic and everyone's memory is finally returned to normal. Meanwhile, Cyberforce defeats Cyberdata and saves the day.
Cyberforce battles Cyberdata once and for all. Meanwhile, Stryker has infiltrated Mother-May-I's gang to find a weakness in her dealing with Cyberdata and dismantle the criminal organization. It is eventually revealed that Mother-May-I is the actual mother of both Velocity and Ballistic and everyone's memory is finally returned to normal. Meanwhile, Cyberforce defeats Cyberdata and saves the day.
A backup story introduces Codename: Stryke Force.