Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars#8

Mark Rahner & Lui Antonio & Aris Aguiar

Book 8 of Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars

Language: English

Published: Nov 20, 2013


Race hatred stoked by terrorists threatens to drive Heliumites and Tharks back to war. Everything the trauma-exhausted Dejah Thoris does only seems to worsen it. And her last-ditch plan brings her face-to-face with the disfigured Thark who triggers her worst fears!

List of covers and their creators:

Cover Name Creator(s) Sidebar Location
Reg Regular Cover Jay Anacleto 1
Sub Subscription Black & White Cover Jay Anacleto 2
DF Dynamic Forces Risque Red Cover Jay Anacleto 3
RI Retailer Incentive Risque Cover Alé Garza Missing
RI Retailer Incentive Risque Cover Cezar Razek Missing
RI Retailer Incentive Risque Cover Mel Rubi Missing