Originally a novella titled "Moth and Rust” in Startling Stories 1953. Also as The Day of Timestop and Timestop!. The Cold War Corps was to be the instrument of salvation in freeing Earth from the tyranny of the Haijac Union. It was Doctor Leif Barker's idea, but he was being kept in the dark by his bosses in the March Republic about what the CWC was really doing. Its network of spies spread throughout the world, working towards the Ultimate Solution that would free the Jacks and turn them towards the True Religion. But Barker had suspicions. Which was freedom, which was tyranny? Which of the two super-powers was really the villain of this terrifying tomorrow? In a mad world where love was a sin and sex a crime against humanity he had to discover quickly – before the day of... Timestop!
Originally a novella titled "Moth and Rust” in Startling Stories 1953. Also as The Day of Timestop and Timestop!. The Cold War Corps was to be the instrument of salvation in freeing Earth from the tyranny of the Haijac Union. It was Doctor Leif Barker's idea, but he was being kept in the dark by his bosses in the March Republic about what the CWC was really doing. Its network of spies spread throughout the world, working towards the Ultimate Solution that would free the Jacks and turn them towards the True Religion. But Barker had suspicions. Which was freedom, which was tyranny? Which of the two super-powers was really the villain of this terrifying tomorrow? In a mad world where love was a sin and sex a crime against humanity he had to discover quickly – before the day of... Timestop!