A STANDOUT in the Steinbeck canon, Cup of Gold: A Life of Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer, with Occasional Reference to History is edgy and adventurous, brash and distrustful of society, and sure to add a new dimension to the common perception of this all-American writer. Steinbeck’s first novel and sole work of historical fiction contains themes that resonate throughout the author’s prodigious body of work.From the mid-1650s through the 1660s, Henry Morgan, a pirate and outlaw of legendary viciousness, ruled the Spanish Main. He ravaged the coasts of Cuba and America, striking terror wherever he went. And he had two driving ambitions: to possess the beautiful woman called La Santa Roja, and to conquer Panama, the “cup of gold.”
A STANDOUT in the Steinbeck canon, Cup of Gold: A Life of Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer, with Occasional Reference to History is edgy and adventurous, brash and distrustful of society, and sure to add a new dimension to the common perception of this all-American writer. Steinbeck’s first novel and sole work of historical fiction contains themes that resonate throughout the author’s prodigious body of work.From the mid-1650s through the 1660s, Henry Morgan, a pirate and outlaw of legendary viciousness, ruled the Spanish Main. He ravaged the coasts of Cuba and America, striking terror wherever he went. And he had two driving ambitions: to possess the beautiful woman called La Santa Roja, and to conquer Panama, the “cup of gold.”