Eye of Cat

Roger Zelazny

Language: English

Publisher: Brick Tower

Published: Jan 2, 1982


WHEN MEN CAN LIVE FOREVER, THE HUNTER MUST STALK HIS OWN DEATH William Blackhorse Singer, the last Navajo tracker on a future earth, has stocked the Interstellar Life Institute with its most exotic creatures. But one of Singer's prizes preys upon his mind: a metamorph, the one-eyed shapeshifter Cat, whose home planet has been destroyed. Billy offers Cat freedom to help him stop an alien assassin, and Cat accepts. The price: permission to hunt Billy. And the deadly game begins. In a fierce, global hunt, Billy flees his extra-sentient killer. And suddenly, he is pursuing not life, but the mysteries of his own people, and the blinding vision of his own primevil spirit.