Laughing Shall I Die: Lives and Deaths of the Great Vikings

Tom Shippey

Language: English

Publisher: Reaktion Books

Published: Jul 15, 2018


In this robust new account of the Vikings, Tom Shippey explores their mindset, and in particular their fascination with scenes of heroic death. Laughing Shall I Die considers Viking psychology by weighing the evidence of the sagas against the accounts of the Vikings’ victims. The book recounts many of the great bravura scenes of Old Norse literature, including the Fall of the House of the Skjoldungs, the clash between the two great longships Ironbeard and Long Serpent, and the death of Thormod the skald. The most exciting book on Vikings for a generation, Laughing Shall I Die presents them for what they not peaceful explorers and traders, but bloodthirsty warriors and marauders.