The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals [Illustrated] [Special Edition]

Charles Darwin

Language: English

Published: Jan 2, 1872


The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals is a book by Charles Darwin, published in 1872, concerning genetically determined aspects of behaviour. It was published thirteen years after On the Origin of Species and, alongside his 1871 book The Descent of Man, it is Darwin's main consideration of human origins. In this book, Darwin seeks to trace the origins of such human characteristics as the lifting of the eyebrows in moments of surprise and the mental confusion which typically accompanies blushing. Darwin links mental states to the neurological organization of movement; and he sought out the opinions of some leading British psychiatrists, notably James Crichton-Browne, in the preparation of the book which forms his main contribution to psychology. Amongst the innovations with this book are Darwin's circulation of a questionnaire in his preparatory research; simple experiments on emotional recognition among his friends and family; and (borrowing from Duchenne de Boulogne) the use of photographs in its presentation of scientific information. The Expression of the Emotions is an important landmark in the history of book illustration. This Special edition contains: -Active content. -Biography complete included. -Original & Unabridged Edition. -Tablet and e-reader formatted. -Illustrated -Special edition updated and revised.