The Last Defender of Camelot

Roger Zelazny

Language: English

Publisher: IBOOKS


The Last Defender of Camelot is a collection of breathtaking stories that showcase the incredible abilities of several authors. Edited and with an introduction by award-winning author Robert Silverberg, it includes such tales as For a Breath I Tarry, and Halfjack. It also features the Hugo Award-winning 24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai, Permafrost, and Home is the Hangman. From Publishers Weekly Though SF "master of prose technique" and "paragon of the storytelling art" (in the introductory words of Robert Silverberg, himself a certified luminary) Roger Zelazny died in 1995, collections of his work appear on shelves with pleasing regularity. The Last Defender of Camelot, the fifth in the series of new Zelazny editions, offers readers 11 of what Silverberg has deemed his best stories, including "24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai," which earned him one of his six Hugos, and 1992's "Come Back to the Killing Ground, Alice, My Love," which has not been previously collected. About the Author Roger Zelazny was a three-time Nebula Award and six-time Hugo Award-winning author of science fiction and fantasy classics, including the short stories "24 Views of Mount Fuji, by Hokusai," "Permafrost," and "Home is the Hangman." Zelazny was the bestselling author of the ten-volume Chronicles of Amber series of fantasy novels, as well as the novels Lord of Light, and Psychoshop (written with Alfred Bester). Zelazny's novel Damnation Alley served as the basis for the 1972 cult film of the same name, starring Jan Michael Vincent and George Peppard.