Maou staves off the attack on Chiho's school, but it was all a diversion to draw him away from the Devil's Castle! With Ashiya kidnapped by Gabriel and Emilia still missing, the Devil King and Suzuno prepare to return to Ente Isla on an undercover rescue mission. That is, assuming Maou can find someone to cover his shifts at MgRonald first!
Chapter Titles
Chapter 78: The Devil Lectures an Angel
Chapter 79: The Devil Thinks About Art
Chapter 80: The Devil Tries to Rework His Shift
Chapter 81: The Devil Wholeheartedly Prepares to Go
Maou staves off the attack on Chiho's school, but it was all a diversion to draw him away from the Devil's Castle! With Ashiya kidnapped by Gabriel and Emilia still missing, the Devil King and Suzuno prepare to return to Ente Isla on an undercover rescue mission. That is, assuming Maou can find someone to cover his shifts at MgRonald first!
Chapter Titles