While waiting to be rescued, Princess Syalis is so bored out of her mind that she just wants to sleep away the time. But the Demon Castle is terrifying...ly uncomfortable! What's a princess to do to catch some Zzz's other than fashion a pillow out of her captors and make an air mattress from a sacred shield? Unfortunately, her many schemes can only try the patience of the Demon King and his put-upon minions for so long...right?
Chapter Titles
1st Night: Castle of the Sleepy Princess
2nd Night: Bedsheets Like the Shining Sea
3rd Night: Sweet Sleep Like the Dead
4th Night: Longing to Sleep on the Shield of the Wind
5th Night: Because the Tower Is There
6th Night: Go Bark at the Moon
7th Night: The Poisonous Mushroom of Dreams
8th Night: The Princess's Three-Star Armor
9th Night: But You Have to Pay the Prince, Right?
10th Night: Good Night, Baby
11th Night: Touch Her and She's Yours
12th Night: The Sea of Pillows and the Tower of Babel
While waiting to be rescued, Princess Syalis is so bored out of her mind that she just wants to sleep away the time. But the Demon Castle is terrifying...ly uncomfortable! What's a princess to do to catch some Zzz's other than fashion a pillow out of her captors and make an air mattress from a sacred shield? Unfortunately, her many schemes can only try the patience of the Demon King and his put-upon minions for so long...right?
Chapter Titles