Robert Asprin’s classic fantasy series, now available in eBook! With cover and interior illustrations by Phil Foglio!
No Place Like Home!
Stranded in the myth-begotten world of Perv …
It’s home to Ahaz, Skeeve’s scaly green demon mentor and partner in crime, but it’s no place for a human.
When Ahaz takes exception to something Skeeve says, he walks away from MYTH, Inc. and goes back to Perv. Skeeve realizes that he must apologize for his thoughtless behavior and convince his stubborn, thin-skinned cohort to rejoin the firm—and finds himself trapped in the most demonic dimension of them all!
Welcoming Committee ...
“Nice of you to drop by, mister!”
That was said by a Pervect, one of six who were blocking our path down the alley.
“Of course, you know this here’s what you’d call a toll-alley. You got to pay to use it.”
“That’s right,” one of his cronies chimed in. “We figure what you got in your pockets ought to cover it.”
I decided that this would be an excellent time to delegate a problem.
“C’mon Kalvin! Do something!”
“Like what? I told you I’m no good in a fight.”
“Well, do SOMETHING! You’re supposed to be the Djin!”
“Oh, all right!” he grimaced. “Maybe this will help.”
With that, he made a few passes with his hands and ... and I was stone-cold sober!
“That’s all I can do for you,” he shrugged. “At least now you won’t have to fight ’em drunk.”
Review Quotes:
“Give yourself the pleasure of working through the series. But not all at once; you’ll wear out your funny bone.” –The Washington Times
“Asprin’s major achievement as a writer—brisk pacing, wit, and a keen satirical eye.” –Booklist
“All the MYTH books are hysterically funny.” –Analog
“Breezy, pun-filled fantasy in the vein of Piers Anthony’s Xanth series … A hilarious bit of froth and frolic.”
“Tension getting to you? Take an Asprin! … His humor is broad and grows out of thefantasy world or dimensions in which his characters operate.” –Fantasy Review
“One of the finest blends of fantasy and humor ever written.” –Baryon Online
Robert (Lynn) Asprin was the legendary creator of the long-running Myth series in which fantasy adventure meets comedy in a delightful pandemonium of magic and adventure. Asprin’s Phule's Company saga, with its similarly irreverent look at military science fiction, was a New York Times bestseller. And with Lynn Abbey, he created the landmark, hugely-popular and long-running Thieves’ World fantasy series. A fan favorite at SF conventions and an active participant in Society for Creative Anachronism mayhem, Asprin passed away in 2008
Myth-Nomers and Im-Pervections: Myth Adventures Book Eight
By Robert Asprin
Cover and Illustrations by Phil Foglio
Ebook Price: $5.99
eISBN: 1230000309883
Published: April 25, 2014 04/25/2014
Imprint: Event Horizon EBooks/ Event Horizon Publishing Group
Catlog # EHE-108
Copyright © 2014 Bill Fawcett and Associates
Cover Art: © Phil Foglio
Original Copyright © 1987 by Robert L. Asprin
PRINT HISTORY: Walsworth Pub. Co / 1987
Thorndike Press / March 2003
Ace mass market edition / October 1988
Print Pages: 196
Robert Asprin’s classic fantasy series, now available in eBook! With cover and interior illustrations by Phil Foglio!
No Place Like Home!
Stranded in the myth-begotten world of Perv …
It’s home to Ahaz, Skeeve’s scaly green demon mentor and partner in crime, but it’s no place for a human.
When Ahaz takes exception to something Skeeve says, he walks away from MYTH, Inc. and goes back to Perv. Skeeve realizes that he must apologize for his thoughtless behavior and convince his stubborn, thin-skinned cohort to rejoin the firm—and finds himself trapped in the most demonic dimension of them all!
Welcoming Committee ...
“Nice of you to drop by, mister!”
That was said by a Pervect, one of six who were blocking our path down the alley.
“Of course, you know this here’s what you’d call a toll-alley. You got to pay to use it.”
“That’s right,” one of his cronies chimed in. “We figure what you got in your pockets ought to cover it.”
I decided that this would be an excellent time to delegate a problem.
“C’mon Kalvin! Do something!”
“Like what? I told you I’m no good in a fight.”
“Well, do SOMETHING! You’re supposed to be the Djin!”
“Oh, all right!” he grimaced. “Maybe this will help.”
With that, he made a few passes with his hands and ... and I was stone-cold sober!
“That’s all I can do for you,” he shrugged. “At least now you won’t have to fight ’em drunk.”
Review Quotes:
“Give yourself the pleasure of working through the series. But not all at once; you’ll wear out your funny bone.” –The Washington Times
“Asprin’s major achievement as a writer—brisk pacing, wit, and a keen satirical eye.” –Booklist
“All the MYTH books are hysterically funny.” –Analog
“Breezy, pun-filled fantasy in the vein of Piers Anthony’s Xanth series … A hilarious bit of froth and frolic.”
“Tension getting to you? Take an Asprin! … His humor is broad and grows out of thefantasy world or dimensions in which his characters operate.” –Fantasy Review
“One of the finest blends of fantasy and humor ever written.” –Baryon Online
Robert (Lynn) Asprin was the legendary creator of the long-running Myth series in which fantasy adventure meets comedy in a delightful pandemonium of magic and adventure. Asprin’s Phule's Company saga, with its similarly irreverent look at military science fiction, was a New York Times bestseller. And with Lynn Abbey, he created the landmark, hugely-popular and long-running Thieves’ World fantasy series. A fan favorite at SF conventions and an active participant in Society for Creative Anachronism mayhem, Asprin passed away in 2008