Magic Street: A Novel
Orson Scott Card
The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century
Harry Turtledove
The Guns of the South
Devolution: A Firsthand Account of the Rainier Sasquatch Massacre
Max Brooks
Alpha and Omega
The Cold Commands
Richard K. Morgan
A Land Fit for Heroes (2)
The Dark Defiles
A Land Fit for Heroes (3)
Blood and Iron (American Empire, Book One)
American Empire (1)
Assassin's Fate
Robin Hobb
Fitz and the Fool (3)
Wielding a Red Sword
Piers Anthony
Incarnations of Immortality (4)
Light Bringer
Pierce Brown
Red Rising Saga (6)
Drive to the East
Settling Accounts (2)
Fallout: The Hot War
The Hot War (2)
The Hot War (3)
Two Fronts
The War That Came Early (5)
Last Orders
The War That Came Early (6)
The Source of Magic
Xanth (2)
A Spell for Chameleon
Xanth (1)