You've probably heard of TypeScript — the language created and maintained by Microsoft that's had a huge impact on the Web, with many prominent projects embracing and migrating their code to TypeScript. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript. In other words, it adds types to JavaScript — and hence the name. But why would you want these types? What benefits do they bring? And do you need to rewrite your entire codebase to take advantage of them? Those questions, and more, will be answered in this TypeScript tutorial for beginners. You’ll learn TypeScript basics, including installation, configuration, and declaring data types as an interface, before moving on to build a fully-blown app in TypeScript using the Pexels API.
We assume a basic knowledge of JavaScript and its tooling, but zero prior knowledge of TypeScript is required to follow along.
You've probably heard of TypeScript — the language created and maintained by Microsoft that's had a huge impact on the Web, with many prominent projects embracing and migrating their code to TypeScript. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript. In other words, it adds types to JavaScript — and hence the name. But why would you want these types? What benefits do they bring? And do you need to rewrite your entire codebase to take advantage of them? Those questions, and more, will be answered in this TypeScript tutorial for beginners. You’ll learn TypeScript basics, including installation, configuration, and declaring data types as an interface, before moving on to build a fully-blown app in TypeScript using the Pexels API.
We assume a basic knowledge of JavaScript and its tooling, but zero prior knowledge of TypeScript is required to follow along.