Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars#10

Mark Rahner & Jethro Morales & Aris Aguiar

Book 10 of Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars

Language: English

Published: Jan 29, 2014


Under cover as a slave. Unrecognizable with her hair chopped short. Dejah Thoris goes deeper on a dangerous mission with her secret, brutal force of six Tharks. They make a magnificent seven, but will they all make it out alive? And should they all?

List of covers and their creators:

Cover Name Creator(s) Sidebar Location
Reg Regular Cover Jay Anacleto 1
Sub Subscription Cover Jay Anacleto 3
RE Retailer Exclusive Dynamic Forces Red Risque Cover Jay Anacleto 2
RI Retailer Incentive Risque Cover Carlos Rafael Missing
RI Retailer Incentive Risque Cover, Limited to 50 Copies Jay Anacleto Missing
RI Retailer Incentive Red Risque Cover, Limited to 25 Copies Carlos Rafael Missing