Legenderry: A Steampunk Adventure#1 - Ceremonies In Dark Men and Scarlet Women

Sergio Davila & Bill Willingham

Book 1 of Legenderry: A Steampunk Adventure

Language: English

Published: Dec 31, 2013


It's a world in which the great heroes of our stories live in the flesh. We start in the Big City, protected by Vampirella and the Green Hornet. A scarlet clad woman of mystery rushes into a bar, pursued by a team of assassins. The terror that breaks loose there and then will eventually lead (in the issues that follow) to The Phantom's Jungle, Flash Gordon's space age town of Landing, battles in the sky with Captain Victory, and so much more, until finally, we arrive in the Monstrous Lands, protected by... well, nobody.

List of covers and their creators:

Cover Name Creator(s) Sidebar Location
Reg Regular Cover Joe Benitez 1
Blank Blank Cover None 2
RI Retailer Incentive Cover Johnny Desjardins 3
RI Retailer Incentive Concept Cover (Sonja) Johnny Desjardins 4
RI Retailer Incentive Concept Cover (Vampirella) Johnny Desjardins 5