Legenderry: A Steampunk Adventure#3 - Victory At Sea

Sergio Davila & Bill Willingham

Book 3 of Legenderry: A Steampunk Adventure

Language: English

Published: Mar 19, 2014


Fleeing the Big City, Magna Spadarossa boards The Victory, a magnificent commercial airship under the command of Captain Victory himself, with intent of journeying to the great city of Landing. However, her plans quickly grow awry as she learns that the assassins after her have also found passage, along with beasts unlike any she has ever known! And who is this Six Thousand Dollar Man

List of covers and their creators:

Cover Name Creator(s) Sidebar Location
Reg Regular Cover Joe Benitez 1
Var Reorder Variant Cover Sergio Fernandez Davila 2
Var Premium Variant Cover Sergio Fernandez Davila 3
RI Retailer Incentive Concept Cover Johnny Desjardins 4
RI Retailer Incentive Concept Cover Johnny Desjardins 5
RI Retailer Incentive Travel Cover Johnny Desjardins 6