But What of Earth?
Piers Anthony
Letters to Jenny
Burning Questions: Essays, 2004-2021
Margaret Atwood
In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination
How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy
Orson Scott Card
Genre Writing Series (1)
Making a Point: The Pernickety Story of English Punctuation
David Crystal
The Story of English in 100 Words
The Gift of the Gab: How Eloquence Works
The Stories of English
The Fight for English: How language pundits ate, shot, and left
Becoming a Writer, Staying a Writer: The Artistry, Joy, and ...
J. Michael Straczynski
On Connection
Kae Tempest
Orwell 50 Essays
George Orwell
Orwell on Truth
Why I Write
Facing Unpleasant Facts: Narrative Essays
The Orwell Diaries
A Slip of the Keyboard: Collected Non-Fiction
Terry Pratchett
Working Days: The Journals of the Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck
Some Remarks: Essays and Other Writing
Neal Stephenson
Sir Vidia's Shadow: A Friendship Across Five Continents
Paul Theroux
Game Design
Deborah Todd