Game Audio Programming 3: Principles and Practices
Guy Somberg
Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music
Alex Ross
Listen to This
Soul Music
Terry Pratchett
Discworld (16)
The Soprano Sorceress: The First Book of the Spellsong Cycle
L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Spellsong Cycle (1)
Darksong Rising
Spellsong Cycle (3)
Spellsong Cycle (5)
Utopia Avenue
David Mitchell
The Armageddon Rag
George R.R. Martin
Music At Night and other essays, including Vulgarity in Literature
Aldous Huxley
Make Your Own Rules: Stories and Hard-Earned Advice from a Creator ...
Andrew Huang
Orson Scott Card
Take Five
Dave Brubeck & Paul Desmond
The Girl Who Sang Rose Madder
Elizabeth Bear
The Drum Rudiment Bible
D. Mark Agostinelli