How Old Holly Came to Be
Patrick Rothfuss
The Kingkiller Chronicle (2.30)
The Sea Watch
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Shadows of the Apt (6)
The Scarab Path
Shadows of the Apt (5)
L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Imager Portfolio (4)
The Stormlight Archive - A Pocket Companion to The Way of Kings ...
Brandon Sanderson
The Stormlight Archive (1)
Penric’s Mission
Lois McMaster Bujold
World of the Five Gods (Publication) (3.30)
King of Ashes
Raymond E. Feist
The Firemane Saga (1)
Dragon Haven
Robin Hobb
The Rain Wild Chronicles (2)
The Forsaken Throne
Jeff Wheeler
Kingfountain (6)
The Mongrel Mage
The Saga of Recluce (19)
Naamah's Blessing
Jacqueline Carey
Naamah Trilogy (3)
Range of Ghosts
Elizabeth Bear
Eternal Sky (1)
The Prisoner of Limnos
World of the Five Gods (Publication) (3.60)
Penric’s Fox
World of the Five Gods (Publication) (3.40)
The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince
The Farseer Trilogy (0.50)
The Physicians of Vilnoc
World of the Five Gods (Publication) (3.80)
George R.R. Martin
Dragonfly Falling
Shadows of the Apt (2)
Knife Children
The Sharing Knife (4.50)
Penric and the Shaman
World of the Five Gods (Publication) (3.20)
Queen of Storms
The Firemane Saga (2)
Lady's Ransom
The First Argentines (3)
Shadow Star
Chris Claremont
Chronicles of the Shadow War (3)
Interesting Times
Terry Pratchett
Discworld (17)
The First Law (1)
Redemption's Blade
After the War (1)
The Strike at Shayol Ghul
Robert Jordan
The Wheel of Time (0.50)
The Lightning Tree
The Kingkiller Chronicle (0.50)
Question Quest
Piers Anthony
Xanth (14)
The White Order
The Saga of Recluce (8)
All the Windwracked Stars
The Edda of Burdens (1)
Wind and Truth
The Stormlight Archive (5)
Imager's Challenge
Imager Portfolio (2)
The Sunlit Man
The Cosmere (30)