The Gate of the Feral Gods
Matt Dinniman
Dungeon Crawler Carl (4)
Crank Palace
James Dashner
The Maze Runner (3.50)
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Terrible Worlds: Revolutions (1)
The Butcher's Masquerade
Dungeon Crawler Carl (5)
Cage of Souls
Bombs Away
Harry Turtledove
The Hot War (1)
Things Fall Apart
Supervolcano (3)
Margaret Atwood
MaddAddam (3)
All Fall Down
Supervolcano (2)
Arena Two
Morgan Rice
The Survival Trilogy (2)
Arena One Slaverunners PART ONE
The Survival Trilogy (1)
Closure, Limited
Max Brooks
Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America
Robert Charles Wilson
Julian Comstock (1)
Worlds Enough and Time
Joe Haldeman
Worlds (3)
The Folk of the Fringe
Orson Scott Card
Larry Niven
Lucifer's Hammer
Var the Stick
Piers Anthony
Battle Circle (2)
Damnation Alley
Roger Zelazny
Sos the Rope
Battle Circle (1)
Philip José Farmer