Hack/Slash/Eva: Monster's Ball#2
Brandon Jerwa & Cezar Razek & Salvatore Aiala
Hack/Slash/Eva: Monster's Ball (2)
Dan Simmons
Robert Charles Wilson
Spin (3)
Queen Sonja#2 - Volume 2: The Red Queen
Mel Rubi & Joshua Ortega
Queen Sonja (2)
A Dance with Dragons
George R.R. Martin
A Song of Ice and Fire (5)
The Tao of Travel
Paul Theroux
Vampirella#8 - A Murder of Crows
Eric Trautmann
Vampirella (8)
David Kennedy & Jim O'Gorman & Devon Kearns & Mati Aharoni
Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a ...
Grant Morrison
Red's Hot Cowboy
Carolyn Brown
Spikes & Spurs (2)
The Moon Maze Game
Larry Niven
Dream Park (4)
The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design
Norman Matloff
Richelle Mead
Bloodlines (1)
Hack/Slash/Eva: Monster's Ball#3
Hack/Slash/Eva: Monster's Ball (3)
Succubus Revealed
Georgina Kincaid (6)
Vampirella (9)
City of Dragons: Volume Three of the Rain Wilds Chronicles
Robin Hobb
The Rain Wild Chronicles (3)
The Ladies' Room
Naughty in Nice
Rhys Bowen
Her Royal Spyness (5)
Cycles of Time
Roger Penrose
The Cookiepedia
Stacy Adimando
Fullmetal Alchemist#26
Hiromu Arakawa
Fullmetal Alchemist (26)
Scary Dead Things
Rick Gualtieri
The Tome of Bill (2)
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook
Dafydd Stuttard & Marcus Pinto
Morgan Rice
The Vampire Journals (6)
Heirs of the Blade
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Shadows of the Apt (7)
Darn Good Cowboy Christmas
Spikes & Spurs (3)
In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination
Margaret Atwood
Well-Tempered Clavicle: A Fabulous Escapade in the Land of Xanth
Piers Anthony
Xanth (35)
Vampirella (10)
The Story of English in 100 Words
David Crystal
The Detachment
Barry Eisler
John Rain (7)
Brandon Jerwa
Vampirella (11)
L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Imager Portfolio (4)
Hack/Slash/Eva: Monster's Ball#4
Hack/Slash/Eva: Monster's Ball (4)
The Art of Readable Code
Dustin Boswell & Trevor Foucher
The Tangled Web
Michal Zalewski
The Boys#9 - The Big Ride
Garth Ennis & Russ Braun & John McCrea & Darick Robertson
The Boys (9)
Constellation of Genius: 1922: Modernism Year One
Kevin Jackson
Proto Zoa
Lois McMaster Bujold
Fullmetal Alchemist#27
Fullmetal Alchemist (27)
Shadow Heir
Dark Swan (4)
Making Games with Python and Pygame
Al Sweigart
Arena One Slaverunners PART ONE
The Survival Trilogy (1)
I Dream of Zenia with the Bright Red Teeth
Just a Cowboy and His Baby
Spikes & Spurs (6)
Orson Scott Card
Pathfinder (2)
Making Artisan Pasta: How to Make a World of Handmade Noodles, ...
Aliza Green
The Apocalypse Codex
Charles Stross
Laundry Files (4)
Vampirella vs. Dracula#1
Joe Harris & Ivan Rodriguez & Adriano Lucas
Vampirella vs. Dracula (1)
Hack/Slash/Eva: Monster's Ball#1
Hack/Slash/Eva: Monster's Ball (1)
Practical Malware Analysis
Michael Sikorski & Andrew Honig
Bigfoot Hunters
Tales of the Crypto-Hunter (1)
Being Buddha at Work
Franz Metcalf & BJ Gallagher
Witchblade / Red Sonja#1
Doug Wagner & Cezar Razek & Marlon Ilagan & Troy Peteri
Witchblade / Red Sonja (1)
Ad Eternum
Elizabeth Bear
New Amsterdam (4)
Marshmallow Madness!
Shauna Sever
The Boys#10 - Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker
Darick Robertson & Garth Ennis
The Boys (10)
Vampirella vs. Dracula#2
Vampirella vs. Dracula (2)
Hush Now, Don't You Cry
Molly Murphy (11)
The Steel Seraglio
Mike Carey
The Tube Riders
Chris Ward
The Tube Riders (1)
Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design
Michael Bierut
Range of Ghosts
Eternal Sky (1)
One Hot Cowboy Wedding
Spikes & Spurs (4)
Dejah Thoris & The White Apes Of Mars#1
Mark Rahner & Lui Antonio & Alexandre Starling
Dejah Thoris & The White Apes Of Mars (1)
Witchblade / Red Sonja#2
Witchblade / Red Sonja (2)
Agatha H. and the Clockwork Princess
Phil Foglio & Kaja Foglio
Girl Genius (Novels) (2)
Vampirella vs. Dracula#3
Joe Harris & Ivan Rodriguez & Adriano Lucas & Vinicius Andrade
Vampirella vs. Dracula (3)
The Mongoliad: Book One
Neal Stephenson
The Foreworld Saga (1)
The Children of the Sky
Vernor Vinge
Zones of Thought (3)
Neil Gaiman
Witchblade / Red Sonja#3
Witchblade / Red Sonja (3)
Dejah Thoris & The White Apes Of Mars#2
Dejah Thoris & The White Apes Of Mars (2)
Words Like Coins
The Realm of the Elderlings (1.50)
FreeBSD Device Drivers
Joseph Kong
Vampirella vs. Dracula#4
Vampirella vs. Dracula (4)
The Lower River
Notes on Nationalism
George Orwell
Penguin Modern Classics (7)
The Khmer Kill
The Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook
Lindsay Landis
The Boys#11 - Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men
Ennis & Braun & McCrea & Burns & Robertson
The Boys (11)
In Shining Whatever
Three Magic Words Trilogy (2)
The Artist's Guide to GIMP, 2nd Edition
Michael Hammel
Pantha#1 - Dangerous Game, Part 1
Brandon Jerwa & Pow Podrix & Thiago Dal Bello & Marshall Dillon
Pantha (1)
Witchblade / Red Sonja#4
Witchblade / Red Sonja (4)
Paul E. Ceruzzi
Alif the Unseen
G. Willow Wilson
Dejah Thoris & The White Apes Of Mars#3
Mark Rahner & Lui Antonio & Arison Aguiar
Dejah Thoris & The White Apes Of Mars (3)
Vampirella vs. Dracula#5
Vampirella vs. Dracula (5)
Earth Unaware
Enderverse: Publication Order (13)
The Mourning Woods (The Tome of Bill) (Volume 3) Paperback – ...
The Tome of Bill (3)
Pantha#2 - Dangerous Game, Part 2
Pantha (2)
Who Do You Want Your Customers to Become?
Michael Schrage
A Tall Tail
The Vampire Journals (10)
Dejah Thoris & The White Apes Of Mars#4
Dejah Thoris & The White Apes Of Mars (4)
Witchblade / Red Sonja#5
Witchblade / Red Sonja (5)
A Mutiny in Time
James Dashner
Infinity Ring (1)
The Air War
Shadows of the Apt (8)
The Books of Magic
Neil Gaiman & Roger Zelazny & John Bolton & Scott Hampton & Charles Vess & Paul Johnson
Scott Pilgrim Color#1 - Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life
Bryan Lee O'Malley
Scott Pilgrim (1)
Pantha#3 - Dangerous Game, Part 3
Pantha (3)
Game Design Theory
Keith Burgun
Kendra Elliot
Bone Secrets (2)
Witchblade: Demon Reborn#1
Ande Parks & Jose Luis & Vinicius Andrade & Troy Peteri
Witchblade: Demon Reborn (1)
Vampirella vs. Dracula#6
Vampirella vs. Dracula (6)
Fate of Worlds
Known Space (1)
Choke Collar: Positron, Episode 2
Positron (2)
Brandon Sanderson
Legion (1)
The Rapture of the Nerds: A tale of the singularity, posthumanity, ...
Cory Doctorow
The Last Train to Zona Verde: My Ultimate African Safari
Terry Pratchett
Dodger (1)
The Mongoliad: Book Two
The Foreworld Saga (2)
Arena Two
The Survival Trilogy (2)
Masked Ball at Broxley Manor
Her Royal Spyness (0.50)
Pirate Cinema
Dark Currents
Jacqueline Carey
Agent of Hel (1)
Pure Vanilla
Death: The Deluxe Edition#1
Death: The Deluxe Edition (1)
Obsidian Son
Shayne Silvers
The Temple Chronicles (1)
Tiny Food Party!
Teri Lyn Fisher & Jenny Park
Witchblade: Demon Reborn#3
Witchblade: Demon Reborn (3)
Pantha#4 - Dangerous Game, Part 4
Pantha (4)
The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the ...
Sean Carroll
The Twelve Clues of Christmas
Her Royal Spyness (6)
Scott Pilgrim Color#2 - Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Scott Pilgrim (2)
Write Your Way into Animation and Games
Christy Marx
Hidden Secrets
Witchblade: Demon Reborn#4
Witchblade: Demon Reborn (4)
Captain Vorpatril's Alliance
Vorkosigan Saga (16)
The Boys#12 - The Bloody Doors Off
Garth Ennis & Russ Braun & Darick Robertson
The Boys (12)
HTML5 Hacks
Jesse Cravens & Jeff Burtoft
A Quest of Heroes
The Sorcerer's Ring (1)
All Fall Down
Harry Turtledove
Supervolcano (2)
Diary of a Dragon
Tad Williams
Pantha#5 - Hell On Earth: Intercepting Signals
Brandon Jerwa & Pow Podrix & Alexandre Starling & Marshall Dillon
Pantha (5)
Absolute OpenBSD, 2nd Edition
Michael W. Lucas
Jimmy and the Crawler
Raymond E. Feist
The Riftwar Legacy (4)
Magician's End
Riftwar Cycle (31)
Midkemia: The Chronicles of Pug
Riftwar Cycle (1)
The Sisters Café
The Cadillac Series (1)
The Wit & Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister
Game of Thrones / Das Lied von Eis und Feuer (Audible) (17)
Screwed: A Novel
Eoin Colfer
Daniel McEvoy (2)
The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince
The Farseer Trilogy (0.50)
A Memory of Light
Robert Jordan
The Wheel of Time (14)
The Book of GIMP
Olivier Lecarme & Karine Delvare
When We Were Heroes
Daniel Abraham
Wild Cards (21.20)
Imager's Battalion
Imager Portfolio (6)
Analyzing Evolutionary Algorithms
Thomas Jansen
Natural Computing Series (0.0)
A March of Kings
The Sorcerer's Ring (2)
Pantha (6)
Jeff Wheeler
Whispers from Mirrowen (1)
Little Brother (2)
The Indigo Spell
Bloodlines (3)
Breakfast for Dinner
Lindsay Landis & Taylor Hackbarth
Knights of Sidonia#1
Tsutomu Nihei
Knights of Sidonia (1)
Blender Master Class
Ben Simonds
Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars#1
Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars (1)
The Mongoliad: Book Three
The Foreworld Saga (3)
Assassin's Apprentice
The Farseer Trilogy (1)
Blood of Dragons
The Rain Wild Chronicles (4)
The Gate Thief
Mither Mages (2)
Lawful Interception
Little Brother (2.50)
The Family Way
Molly Murphy (12)
Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars#2
Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars (2)
Introduction to Evolutionary Computing
Agoston E. Eiben & J.E. Smith
Shattered Pillars
Eternal Sky (2)
Bone Secrets (3)
Cooking with Flowers
Miche Bacher
Miss Fury, Vol.1
Rob Williams & Jack Herbert & Marcio Abreu
Miss Fury (1)
The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day
Science of Discworld (4)
Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars#3
Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars (3)
Holier Than Thou
The Tome of Bill (4)
Time Reborn: From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the ...
Lee Smolin
Campfire Cuisine
Robin Donovan
A Vow of Glory
The Sorcerer's Ring (5)
Schrödinger's Killer App
Jonathan P. Dowling
Scott Pilgrim Color#3 - Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness
Scott Pilgrim (3)
Antiagon Fire
Imager Portfolio (7)
OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook
Kevin Jackson & Cody Bunch
Billion Dollar Cowboy
Cowboys & Brides (1)
Gameboard of the Gods
Age of X (1)
Earth Afire
Enderverse: Publication Order (14)
Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars#4
Dejah Thoris: And the Green Men of Mars (4)
Tolkien and the Great War
John Garth
A Charge of Valor (Book #6 in the Sorcerer's Ring)
The Sorcerer's Ring (6)
The Long War
The Long Earth (2)
How Old Holly Came to Be
Patrick Rothfuss
The Kingkiller Chronicle (2.30)
London Twist
Bleeding in the Eye of a Brainstorm
George C. Chesbro
Mongo (13)
Attack on Titan#5
Hajime Isayama
Attack on Titan (5)
Attack on Titan#4
Isayama, Hajime
Attack on Titan (4)
Attack on Titan#3
Attack on Titan (3)
Attack on Titan#2
Attack on Titan (2)
Attack on Titan#1
Attack on Titan (1)
Two Fronts
The War That Came Early (5)
Japanese from Zero! 4
George Trombley & Yukari Takenaka
Japanese From Zero! (4)
The Meeting
Vampire Academy (1.50)
A Rite of Swords (Book #7 in the Sorcerer's Ring)
The Sorcerer's Ring (7)