Real-Time Phoenix
Stephen Bussey
Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir
Svilen Gospodinov
Designing Elixir Systems with Otp: Write Highly Scalable, Self-Healing ...
James Edward Gray & Bruce A. Tate
Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix
Lance Halvorsen
Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir
Fred Hebert
Programming WebAssembly with Rust
Kevin Hoffman
Build a Binary Clock with Elixir and Nerves
Frank Hunleth & Bruce Tate
Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves
Alexander Koutmos & Bruce Tate & Frank Hunleth
Testing Elixir
Andrea Leopardi & Jeffrey Matthias
Adopting Elixir
Ben Marx & Jose Valim & Bruce Tate
Genetic Algorithms in Elixir
Sean Moriarity
Programmer Passport: Elixir
Bruce Tate
Programmer Passport: OTP
Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks
Bruce Tate & Ian Dees & Frederic Daoud & Jack Moffitt
Programming Elixir ≥ 1.6
Dave Thomas
Agile Web Development with Rails 4
Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe
Bruce Williams & Ben Wilson
Programming Ecto
Darin Wilson & Eric Meadows-Jonsson
Hands-on Rust
Herbert Wolverson