Machine Translation
Thierry Poibeau
Make Python Talk
Mark Liu
Making Games with Python and Pygame
Al Sweigart
Malware Analysis Techniques
Dylan Barker
Malware Data Science
Joshua Saxe & Hillary Sanders
Mastering Azure Machine Learning
Christoph Korner & Marcel Alsdorf
Mastering Defensive Security
Cesar Bravo & Darren Kitchen
Mastering Go
Mihalis Tsoukalos
Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing
Vijay Kumar Velu
Mastering Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Christiaan Brinkhoff & Per Larsen
Mastering OpenStack
Omar Khedher & Chandan Dutta Chowdhury
Mastering Palo Alto Networks
Tom Piens
Mastering Transformers
Savas Yildirim & Meysam Asgari-Chenaghlu
Mastering Windows Security and Hardening
Mark Dunkerley & Matt Tumbarello
Memes in Digital Culture
Limor Shifman
MERN Projects for Beginners
Nabendu Biswas
Metaprogramming Elixir
Chris McCord
David Kennedy & Jim O'Gorman & Devon Kearns & Mati Aharoni
Microcontroller and Smart Home Networks
Dawoud Shenouda Dawoud & Peter Dawoud
Microsoft 365 Security Administration: MS-500 Exam Guide
Peter Rising
Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Certification and Beyond
David Okeyode
Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas
Brian Moriarty & Bernd Held & Theodor Richardson
Minecraft Modding with Forge
Arun Gupta & Aditya Gupta
The MMIX Supplement: Supplement to The Art of Computer Programming ...
Martin Ruckert
The Art of Computer Programming (0.0)
Mobile & Social Game Design
Tim Fields
Modern Computer Vision with PyTorch
V Kishore Ayyadevara & Yeshwanth Reddy
Modern Front-end Architecture
Ryan Lanciaux
Multithreaded JavaScript
Thomas Hunter II & Bryan English
Narrative Design
Michael Breault
Natural Language Processing Using R Pocket Primer
Oswald Campesato
Networking! Ack!
Julia Evans
Wizard Zines (6)
Next Generation Internet of Things
Vermesan, Ovidiu & Bacquet, Joël
Nim in Action
Dominik Picheta
Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science
B. S. Grewal
Object-Oriented Python
Irv Kalb
Oh Shit, Git!
Wizard Zines (9)
OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook
Kevin Jackson & Cody Bunch
OpenStack Operations Guide
Tom Fifield & Diane Fleming & Anne Gentle & Lorin Hochstein & Jonathan Proulx & Everett Toews & Joe Topjian
Penetration Testing
Georgia Weidman
Penetration Testing Azure for Ethical Hackers
David Okeyode & Karl Fosaaen & Charles Horton
Pentesting Industrial Control Systems
Paul Smith
Perl One-Liners
Peteris Krumins
PHP 8 Solutions
David Powers
PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy
Physically Based Rendering
Matt Pharr & Wenzel Jakob & Greg Humphreys
Manul Laphroaig
Practical Binary Analysis
Dennis Andriesse
Practical Deep Learning
Ron Kneusel
Practical Discrete Mathematics
Ryan T. White & Archana Tikayat Ray
Practical Enterprise React
Devlin Duldulao & Ruby Jane Cabagnot
Practical Hardware Pentesting
Jean-Georges Valle
Practical Heat Transfer: Analytical - Numerical - Experimental
Layla S. Mayboudi
Practical Linux Forensics
Bruce Nikkel
Practical Malware Analysis
Michael Sikorski & Andrew Honig
Practical Packet Analysis, 3E
Chris Sanders
Practical Svelte
Alex Libby
Practical Threat Intelligence and Data-Driven Threat Hunting
Valentina Costa-Gazcon
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design, 4th Edition
Jason Beaird
Privilege Escalation Techniques
Alexis Ahmed
Pro Angular
Adam Freeman
Pro Data Visualization Using R and JavaScript
Tom Barker & Jon Westfall
Professional Techniques for Video Game Writing
Wendy Despain
Profiling Tracing Perf
Wizard Zines (1)
Programmer Passport: Elixir
Bruce Tate
Programmer Passport: OTP
Programming Ecto
Darin Wilson & Eric Meadows-Jonsson
Programming Elixir ≥ 1.6
Dave Thomas
Programming Fundamentals Using Java
William McAllister & S. Jane Fritz
Programming Phoenix 1.4
Chris McCord & Bruce Tate & José Valim
Programming PHP
Kevin Tatroe & Peter MacIntyre
Programming PHP, 4th Edition
Programming Ruby: a Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
Programming Rust, 2nd Edition
Jim Blandy & Jason Orendorff & Leonora F .S. Tindall
Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development
Jim Blandy & Jason Orendorff
Programming Scala, 3rd Edition
Dean Wampler
Programming the Internet of Things
Andy King
Programming TypeScript
Boris Cherny
Programming WebAssembly with Rust
Kevin Hoffman
Programming with OpenSCAD
Justin Gohde & Marius Kintel
Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir
Fred Hebert
The Pyramid of Game Design
Nicholas Lovell
James R. Parker, PhD
Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition
Eric Matthes
Python for Excel
Felix Zumstein
Python Machine Learning
Sebastian Raschka & Vahid Mirjalili
Python One-Liners
Christian Mayer
Python Playground
Mahesh Venkitachalam
R Cookbook
J.D. Long & Paul Teetor
Racket Programming the Fun Way
James. W. Stelly
React and Libraries
Elad Elrom
React Cookbook
David Griffiths & Dawn Griffiths
React: Tools & Skills, 2nd Edition
Craig Buckler
The SitePoint React Series (0.0)
Real-Time Phoenix
Stephen Bussey
Real-Time Twilio and Flybase
Roger Stringer
Real-World Bug Hunting
Peter Yaworski
Real-World Python
Lee Vaughan
Real-World Software Development
Raoul-Gabriel Urma & Richard Warburton
Refactoring at Scale
Maude Lemaire
Reverse Design: Final Fantasy VII
Patrick Holleman
Reverse Design (5)
Reverse Design: Half-Life
Reverse Design (4)
Reverse Design: Super Mario World
Reverse Design (3)
John M. Jordan
Robust Python
Patrick Viafore
Rootkits and Bootkits
Alex Matrosov & Eugene Rodionov & Sergey Bratus
Rust for Rustaceans
Jon Gjengset
Rust in Action
Tim McNamara
The Rust Programming Language (Covers Rust 2018)
Steve Klabnik & Carol Nichols
The Rust Programming Language
Science and Computing with Raspberry Pi
Brian R Kent
Secure and Smart Internet of Things (IoT)
Ahmed Banafa
Serious Cryptography
Jean-Philippe Aumasson
Serious Python
Julien Danjou
Serious Python: Black-Belt Advice on Deployment, Scalability, ...
Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks
Bruce Tate & Ian Dees & Frederic Daoud & Jack Moffitt
Smaller C
Marc Loy
So You Want To Be A Wizard
Wizard Zines (2)
Software Testing
Rajiv Chopra
Spatial Computing
Shashi Shekhar & Pamela Vold
Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms
Marco Tomassini
Natural Computing Series (0.0)
Spring Boot with React and AWS
Ravi Kant Soni & Namrata Soni
Spring REST
Balaji Varanasi & Maxim Bartkov
Spying on Your Programs with Strace
Wizard Zines (3)
SQL Pocket Primer
Stable Mutations for Evolutionary Algorithms
Andrzej Obuchowicz
The Statistics and Calculus with Python Workshop
Peter Farrell & Alvaro Fuentes & Ajinkya Sudhir Kolhe & Quan Nguyen & Alexander Joseph Sarver & Marios Tsatsos
Svelte: A Beginner's Guide
Simon Holthausen-Kircher
Tailwind CSS
Ivaylo Gerchev
The Tangled Web
Michal Zalewski
The TCP/IP Guide
Charles M. Kozierok
The Technological Singularity
Murray Shanahan
The TensorFlow Workshop
Matthew Moocarme & Anthony So & Anthony Maddalone
Test-Driven Development with Python
Harry Percival
Testing Elixir
Andrea Leopardi & Jeffrey Matthias
The The Complete Rust Programming Reference Guide
Rahul Sharma & Vesa Kaihlavirta & Claus Matzinger
Theory and Principled Methods for the Design of Metaheuristics
Yossi Borenstein & Alberto Moraglio
Threat Hunting with Elastic Stack
Andrew Pease
Transformers for Natural Language Processing
Denis Rothman
True Names and the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier
Vernor Vinge
The Ultimate Kali Linux Book - Second Edition
Glen D. Singh
Unreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation, and Cinematics
Henk Venter & Wilhelm Ogterop
Use of Ai, Robotics, and Modern Tools to Fight Covid-19
Abhinav Sharma & Arpit Jain & Jianwu Wang & Mangey Ram
User Journey Mapping
Stéphanie Walter
Using Asyncio in Python
Caleb Hattingh
Virtual Reality
Lila Bozgeyikli & Ren Bozgeyikli
Samuel Greengard
Virtual World Design
Ann Latham Cudworth
Web App Development and Real-Time Web Analytics with Python
Tshepo Chris Nokeri
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook
Dafydd Stuttard & Marcus Pinto
Web Security for Developers
Malcolm McDonald
WebAssembly for Cloud
Shashank Mohan Jain
What Just Happened: A Chronicle from the Information Frontier
James Gleick
White Space Is Not Your Enemy
Kim Golombisky & Rebecca Hagen
Wicked Cool Shell Scripts, 2nd Edition
Dave Taylor & Brandon Perry
Your First Week With React, 2nd Edition
Michael Wanyoike & Pavels Jelisejevs & Nilson Jacques & Maria Antonietta Perna & Praveen Kumar & Jack Franklin