Industrial Cybersecurity
Pascal Ackerman
Privilege Escalation Techniques
Alexis Ahmed
C# 9.0 in a Nutshell
Joe Albahari
Learn Functional Programming with Elixir
Ulisses Almeida
Machine Learning
Ethem Alpaydin
Digital Signal Processing: An Introduction
R. Anand
Foundations of Information Security
Jason Andress
Practical Binary Analysis
Dennis Andriesse
Machine Learning Using TensorFlow Cookbook
Alexia Audevart & Konrad Banachewicz & Luca Massaron
Machine Learning for Time-Series with Python
Ben Auffarth
Cybersecurity Career Master Plan
Dr. Gerald Auger & Jaclyn “Jax” Scott & Jonathan Helmus & Kim Nguyen & Heath "The Cyber Mentor" Adams
Serious Cryptography
Jean-Philippe Aumasson
Modern Computer Vision with PyTorch
V Kishore Ayyadevara & Yeshwanth Reddy
The Kaggle Book
Konrad Banachewicz & Luca Massaron & Anthony Goldbloom
Secure and Smart Internet of Things (IoT)
Ahmed Banafa
Advanced Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow 2
Ashish Bansal
Malware Analysis Techniques
Dylan Barker
Pro Data Visualization Using R and JavaScript
Tom Barker & Jon Westfall
Honoring the Code
Matt Barton
Dungeons and Desktops
Matt Barton & Shane Stacks
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design, 4th Edition
Jason Beaird
Algorithmic Short Selling with Python
Laurent Bernut
Docs for Developers
Jared Bhatti & Zachary Sarah Corleissen & Jen Lambourne & David Nunez & Heidi Waterhouse
Build a Rock Paper Scissors Game from Scratch with React
Madars Biss
Build a Weather App from Scratch with Next.js
Beginning React and Firebase
Nabendu Biswas
Foundation Gatsby Projects
MERN Projects for Beginners
Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development
Jim Blandy & Jason Orendorff
Programming Rust, 2nd Edition
Jim Blandy & Jason Orendorff & Leonora F .S. Tindall
Learn Wireshark
Lisa Bock
Theory and Principled Methods for the Design of Metaheuristics
Yossi Borenstein & Alberto Moraglio
Natural Computing Series (0.0)
Adversarial Tradecraft in Cybersecurity
Dan Borges
The Art of Readable Code
Dustin Boswell & Trevor Foucher
Virtual Reality
Lila Bozgeyikli & Ren Bozgeyikli
Mastering Defensive Security
Cesar Bravo & Darren Kitchen
Narrative Design
Michael Breault
Mastering Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Christiaan Brinkhoff & Per Larsen
Learning JavaScript
Ethan Brown
CSS Master, 3rd Edition
Tiffany Brown
Jump Start Web Performance
Craig Buckler
React: Tools & Skills, 2nd Edition
The SitePoint React Series (0.0)
Learn Python Visually
Tristan Bunn
Eye Tracking and Visual Analytics
Michael Burch
Game Design Theory
Keith Burgun
Real-Time Phoenix
Stephen Bussey
20 Essential Games to Study
Joshua Bycer
Game Design Deep Dive: Platformers
Game Design Deep Dive (1)
Autotools, 2nd Edition
John Calcote
Natural Language Processing Using R Pocket Primer
Oswald Campesato
Dealing With Data Pocket Primer
SQL Pocket Primer
Paul E. Ceruzzi
Programming TypeScript
Boris Cherny
Internet of Things in Automotive Industries and Road Safety
Chimata, Raghuveer & Singh, Rajesh & Singh, Bhupendra
Software Testing
Rajiv Chopra
AI Ethics
Mark Coeckelbergh
Games as Texts
Alayna Cole & Dakoda Barker
Practical Threat Intelligence and Data-Driven Threat Hunting
Valentina Costa-Gazcon
HTML5 Hacks
Jesse Cravens & Jeff Burtoft
Extending Virtual Worlds
Ann Latham Cudworth
Virtual World Design
Cyber Warfare – Truth, Tactics, and Strategies
Dr. Chase Cunningham
Jump Start Git, Second Edition
Shaumik Daityari
Data Visualization with Python and JavaScript
Kyran Dale
Serious Python
Julien Danjou
Serious Python: Black-Belt Advice on Deployment, Scalability, ...
Microcontroller and Smart Home Networks
Dawoud Shenouda Dawoud & Peter Dawoud
Functional Programming for Java Developers
Dean Wampler
Computational Thinking
Peter J. Denning & Matti Tedre
Professional Techniques for Video Game Writing
Wendy Despain
Cybersecurity – Attack and Defense Strategies
Yuri Diogenes & Erdal Ozkaya
Introducing Go
Caleb Doxsey
Practical Enterprise React
Devlin Duldulao & Ruby Jane Cabagnot
Mastering Windows Security and Hardening
Mark Dunkerley & Matt Tumbarello
Introduction to Evolutionary Computing
Agoston E. Eiben & J.E. Smith
React and Libraries
Elad Elrom
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition
Jon Erickson
Profiling Tracing Perf
Julia Evans
Wizard Zines (1)
So You Want To Be A Wizard
Wizard Zines (2)
Spying on Your Programs with Strace
Wizard Zines (3)
Let's Learn tcpdump
Wizard Zines (4)
Linux Debugging Tools You'll [love]
Wizard Zines (5)
Networking! Ack!
Wizard Zines (6)
Become a SELECT Star
Wizard Zines (7)
HTTP Learn Your Browser's Language
Wizard Zines (8)
Oh Shit, Git!
Wizard Zines (9)
Hell Yes! CSS!
Wizard Zines (11)
How Containers Work
Wizard Zines (12)
Bite Size Bash
Wizard Zines (13)
Bite Size Networking
Wizard Zines (14)
Bite Size Command Line
Wizard Zines (15)
Bite Size Linux
Wizard Zines (16)
How DNS Works
Wizard Zines (17)
Fake Photos
Hany Farid
The Statistics and Calculus with Python Workshop
Peter Farrell & Alvaro Fuentes & Ajinkya Sudhir Kolhe & Quan Nguyen & Alexander Joseph Sarver & Marios Tsatsos
Engineering Agile Big-Data Systems
Feeney, Kevin & Davies, Jim & Hellmann, Sebastian
Big Data Management in Sensing: Applications in AI and Iot
Renny Fernandez & Terrance Frederick Fernandez
Mobile & Social Game Design
Tim Fields
OpenStack Operations Guide
Tom Fifield & Diane Fleming & Anne Gentle & Lorin Hochstein & Jonathan Proulx & Everett Toews & Joe Topjian
Attacking Network Protocols
James Forshaw
Build an App with TypeScript and the Pexels API
Jack Franklin
Essential TypeScript 4
Adam Freeman
Pro Angular
Decoupled Django
Valentino Gagliardi
Tailwind CSS
Ivaylo Gerchev
Rust for Rustaceans
Jon Gjengset
What Just Happened: A Chronicle from the Information Frontier
James Gleick
Programming with OpenSCAD
Justin Gohde & Marius Kintel
HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World
Alexis Goldstein & Louis Lazaris & Estelle Weyl
White Space Is Not Your Enemy
Kim Golombisky & Rebecca Hagen
Becoming a Better Programmer
Pete Goodliffe
Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir
Svilen Gospodinov
The GNU Make Book
John Graham-Cumming
Designing Elixir Systems with Otp: Write Highly Scalable, Self-Healing ...
James Edward Gray & Bruce A. Tate
Samuel Greengard
Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science
B. S. Grewal
Domain-Driven Laravel
Jesse Griffin
React Cookbook
David Griffiths & Dawn Griffiths
Flask Web Development
Miguel Grinberg
Minecraft Modding with Forge
Arun Gupta & Aditya Gupta
Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix
Lance Halvorsen
AutoCAD 2023 Beginning and Intermediate
Munir Hamad
AutoDesk Revit 2021 Architecture
The Artist's Guide to GIMP, 2nd Edition
Michael Hammel
Book of PF, 3rd Edition
Peter N. M. Hansteen
jQuery Recipes
Bintu Harwani
Using Asyncio in Python
Caleb Hattingh
Creating Apps with React Native
M. Holmes He
Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir
Fred Hebert
Learning Algorithms
George Heineman
Algorithms in a Nutshell
George T. Heineman & Gary Pollice & Stanley Selkow
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know
Kevlin Henney
Programming WebAssembly with Rust
Kevin Hoffman
The Book of Kubernetes
Alan Hohn
Reverse Design: Super Mario World
Patrick Holleman
Reverse Design (3)
Reverse Design: Half-Life
Reverse Design (4)
Reverse Design: Final Fantasy VII
Reverse Design (5)
Svelte: A Beginner's Guide
Simon Holthausen-Kircher
Apprenticeship Patterns
Dave Hoover & Adewale Oshineye
Build a Binary Clock with Elixir and Nerves
Frank Hunleth & Bruce Tate
Distributed Systems with Node.js
Thomas Hunter II
Multithreaded JavaScript
Thomas Hunter II & Bryan English
gRPC: Up and Running
Kasun Indrasiri & Danesh Kuruppu
Better Game Characters by Design
Katherine Isbister
OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook
Kevin Jackson & Cody Bunch
Jump Start Vue.js, 2nd Edition
Nilson Jacques
Learn API Testing
Jagdeep Jain
WebAssembly for Cloud
Shashank Mohan Jain
James R. Parker, PhD
Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading
Stefan Jansen
Analyzing Evolutionary Algorithms
Thomas Jansen
JavaScript: Novice to Ninja, 2nd Edition
Darren Jones
Learn to Code with JavaScript
Lynette Jones
John M. Jordan
Object-Oriented Python
Irv Kalb
Learning Serverless
Jason Katzer
Deep Learning
John D. Kelleher
Data Science
John D. Kelleher & Brendan Tierney
David Kennedy & Jim O'Gorman & Devon Kearns & Mati Aharoni
Science and Computing with Raspberry Pi
Brian R Kent
3D Scientific Visualization with Blender
Brian R. Kent
The Linux Programming Interface
Michael Kerrisk
Mastering OpenStack
Omar Khedher & Chandan Dutta Chowdhury
Discrete Mathematics With Cryptographic Applications
Alexander I. Kheyfits
Programming the Internet of Things
Andy King
The Book of Inkscape
Dmitry Kirsanov
The Book of Inkscape, 2nd Edition
The Rust Programming Language (Covers Rust 2018)
Steve Klabnik & Carol Nichols
The Rust Programming Language
Practical Deep Learning
Ron Kneusel
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms
Donald E. Knuth
The Art of Computer Programming (1)
The Art Of Computer Programming Volume 1, Fascicle 1: MMIX -- ...
The Art of Computer Programming (1.10)
Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms
The Art of Computer Programming (2)
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching
The Art of Computer Programming (3)
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, ...
The Art of Computer Programming (4.10)
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4B: Combinatorial Algorithms, ...
The Art of Computer Programming (4.20)
FreeBSD Device Drivers
Joseph Kong
Designing BSD Rootkits
Mastering Azure Machine Learning
Christoph Korner & Marcel Alsdorf
Building Offline Applications with Angular
Venkata Keerti Kotaru
Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves
Alexander Koutmos & Bruce Tate & Frank Hunleth
The TCP/IP Guide
Charles M. Kozierok
Perl One-Liners
Peteris Krumins
Modern Front-end Architecture
Ryan Lanciaux
Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On
Maxim Lapan
Manul Laphroaig
The Book of GIMP
Olivier Lecarme & Karine Delvare
Refactoring at Scale
Maude Lemaire
Testing Elixir
Andrea Leopardi & Jeffrey Matthias
Practical Svelte
Alex Libby
Designing the User Experience of Game Development Tools
David Lightbown
Make Python Talk
Mark Liu
R Cookbook
J.D. Long & Paul Teetor
Panos Louridas
The Pyramid of Game Design
Nicholas Lovell
Smaller C
Marc Loy