Absolute FreeBSD, 3rd Edition
Michael W. Lucas
Absolute OpenBSD, 2nd Edition
Fluent Python 2nd Edition
Luciano Ramalho
Kubernetes in Action
Marko Luksa
Hacking Kubernetes
Andrew Martin & Michael Hausenblas
Adopting Elixir
Ben Marx & Jose Valim & Bruce Tate
Interpretable Machine Learning with Python
Serg Masís
The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design
Norman Matloff
The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse
Norman Matloff & Peter Jay Salzman
Rootkits and Bootkits
Alex Matrosov & Eugene Rodionov & Sergey Bratus
Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition
Eric Matthes
Practical Heat Transfer: Analytical - Numerical - Experimental
Layla S. Mayboudi
Python One-Liners
Christian Mayer
Programming Fundamentals Using Java
William McAllister & S. Jane Fritz
Metaprogramming Elixir
Chris McCord
Programming Phoenix 1.4
Chris McCord & Bruce Tate & José Valim
Web Security for Developers
Malcolm McDonald
Java to Kotlin
Duncan McGregor & Nat Pryce
Machine Learning Engineering with Python
Andrew P. McMahon
Rust in Action
Tim McNamara
The TensorFlow Workshop
Matthew Moocarme & Anthony So & Anthony Maddalone
Genetic Algorithms in Elixir
Sean Moriarity
Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas
Brian Moriarty & Bernd Held & Theodor Richardson
AI and Machine Learning for Coders
Laurence Moroney
CompTIA Security+: SY0-601 Certification Guide, Second Edition
Ian Neil
Practical Linux Forensics
Bruce Nikkel
Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript, 5th Edition
Robin Nixon
Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript, 6th Edition
Web App Development and Real-Time Web Analytics with Python
Tshepo Chris Nokeri
The Craft and Science of Game Design
Philippe O'Connor
Stable Mutations for Evolutionary Algorithms
Andrzej Obuchowicz
Linux Basics for Hackers
Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Certification and Beyond
David Okeyode
Penetration Testing Azure for Ethical Hackers
David Okeyode & Karl Fosaaen & Charles Horton
Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles
Cristina Olaverri-Monreal & Fernando García-Fernández & Rosaldo J F Rossetti
Applications of Machine Learning in Big-Data Analytics and Cloud ...
Subhendu Kumar Pani & Somanath Tripathy & George Jandieri & Sumit Kundu & Talal Ashraf Butt
Crafting HTML Email
Rémi Parmentier
JavaScript Cookbook
John Paxton & Adam D. Scott & Shelley Powers
Threat Hunting with Elastic Stack
Andrew Pease
Test-Driven Development with Python
Harry Percival
Architecture Patterns with Python: Enabling Test-Driven Development, ...
Physically Based Rendering
Matt Pharr & Wenzel Jakob & Greg Humphreys
Nim in Action
Dominik Picheta
Mastering Palo Alto Networks
Tom Piens
AI Assistants
Roberto Pieraccini
The Machine Learning Solutions Architect Handbook
David Ping
Machine Translation
Thierry Poibeau
Learning GraphQL
Eve Porcello & Alex Banks
PHP 8 Solutions
David Powers
PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy
Applied Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Self-Driving Cars
Sumit Ranjan & Dr. S. Senthamilarasu
Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn
Sebastian Raschka & Yuxi (Hayden) Liu & Vahid Mirjalili & Dmytro Dzhulgakov
Python Machine Learning (0.0)
Python Machine Learning
Sebastian Raschka & Vahid Mirjalili
Linux Firewalls
Michael Rash
Getting Started with Streamlit for Data Science
Tyler Richards
Microsoft 365 Security Administration: MS-500 Exam Guide
Peter Rising
The Art of Artificial Evolution
Juan J. Romero & Penousal Machado
Natural Computing Series (0.0)
Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5
Marcos Romero & Brenden Sewell & Luis Cataldi
Artificial Intelligence By Example
Denis Rothman
Transformers for Natural Language Processing
The MMIX Supplement: Supplement to The Art of Computer Programming ...
Martin Ruckert
The Art of Computer Programming (0.0)
Cloud Computing
Nayan B. Ruparelia
Doing Math with Python
Amit Saha
Practical Packet Analysis, 3E
Chris Sanders
Big Data
Maribel Yasmina Santos & Carlos Costa
Malware Data Science
Joshua Saxe & Hillary Sanders
The Definitive Guide to Jakarta Faces in Jakarta EE 10
Bauke Scholtz & Arjan Tijms
The Book of Audacity
Carla Schroder
Learning Perl, 8th Edition
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Angular: Up and Running
Shyam Seshadri
The Technological Singularity
Murray Shanahan
Use of Ai, Robotics, and Modern Tools to Fight Covid-19
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The The Complete Rust Programming Reference Guide
Rahul Sharma & Vesa Kaihlavirta & Claus Matzinger
Spatial Computing
Shashi Shekhar & Pamela Vold
Memes in Digital Culture
Limor Shifman
The Art of Agile Development
James Shore & Chromatic
The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition
William Shotts
Practical Malware Analysis
Michael Sikorski & Andrew Honig
Learn Amazon SageMaker
Julien Simon
Blender Master Class
Ben Simonds
The Ultimate Kali Linux Book - Second Edition
Glen D. Singh
Getting Started for Internet of Things with Launch Pad and ESP8266
Singh, Rajesh & Tyagi, Priyanka & Gehlot, Anita
DevOps for the Desperate
Bradley Smith
Pentesting Industrial Control Systems
Paul Smith
Game Audio Programming 3: Principles and Practices
Guy Somberg
Spring Boot with React and AWS
Ravi Kant Soni & Namrata Soni
Empirical Cloud Security
Aditya K. Sood
Graph Machine Learning
Claudio Stamile & Aldo Marzullo & Enrico Deusebio
Black Hat Go
Tom Steele & Chris Patten & Dan Kottmann
Racket Programming the Fun Way
James. W. Stelly
In the Beginning...Was the Command Line
Neal Stephenson
Real-Time Twilio and Flybase
Roger Stringer
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook
Dafydd Stuttard & Marcus Pinto
Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering ...
L. Padma Suresh & Subhransu Sekhar Dash & Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd Edition
Al Sweigart
Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python
The Big Book of Small Python Projects
Cracking Codes with Python
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 4th Edition
Making Games with Python and Pygame
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 3rd Edition
Programmer Passport: Elixir
Bruce Tate
Programmer Passport: OTP
Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks
Bruce Tate & Ian Dees & Frederic Daoud & Jack Moffitt
Programming PHP, 4th Edition
Kevin Tatroe & Peter MacIntyre
Programming PHP
Wicked Cool Shell Scripts, 2nd Edition
Dave Taylor & Brandon Perry
Programming Elixir ≥ 1.6
Dave Thomas
Agile Web Development with Rails 4
Programming Ruby: a Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
Java Programming for Kids
R. Chandler Thompson
Keycloak - Identity and Access Management for Modern Applications
Stian Thorgersen & Pedro Igor Silva
Exploring GPT-3
Steve Tingiris
Cloud Native Go
Matthew A. Titmus
Game Design
Deborah Todd
Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms
Marco Tomassini
Mastering Go
Mihalis Tsoukalos
Dive Into Algorithms
Bradford Tuckfield
Econometrics in Practice
Paul Turner
Real-World Software Development
Raoul-Gabriel Urma & Richard Warburton
Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with Java
V. Scott Gordon, PhD & John L. Clevenger, PhD
Database-Driven Web Development
Thomas Valentine
Practical Hardware Pentesting
Jean-Georges Valle
Effective TypeScript
Dan Vanderkam
Spring REST
Balaji Varanasi & Maxim Bartkov
Impractical Python Projects
Lee Vaughan
Real-World Python
Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing
Vijay Kumar Velu
Python Playground
Mahesh Venkitachalam
Unreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation, and Cinematics
Henk Venter & Wilhelm Ogterop
Internet of Things - The Call of the Edge: Everything Intelligent ...
Ovidiu Vermesan & Joël Bacquet
Next Generation Internet of Things
Vermesan, Ovidiu & Bacquet, Joël
Robust Python
Patrick Viafore
True Names and the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier
Vernor Vinge
Hands-On Gradient Boosting with XGBoost and scikit-learn
Corey Wade
Computational Physics; Second Edition
Darren J. Walker
User Journey Mapping
Stéphanie Walter
Programming Scala, 3rd Edition
Dean Wampler
Your First Week With React, 2nd Edition
Michael Wanyoike & Pavels Jelisejevs & Nilson Jacques & Maria Antonietta Perna & Praveen Kumar & Jack Franklin
The SitePoint React Series (0.0)
How Linux Works, 2nd Edition
Brian Ward
Jump Start Responsive Web Design, 2nd Edition
Chris Ward
Jump Start (1)
Penetration Testing
Georgia Weidman
Internet of Things Security: Fundamentals, Techniques and Applications
Weippl, Edgar
Practical Discrete Mathematics
Ryan T. White & Archana Tikayat Ray
Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe
Bruce Williams & Ben Wilson
Programming Ecto
Darin Wilson & Eric Meadows-Jonsson
Duane C. Wilson
Hands-on Rust
Herbert Wolverson
Real-World Bug Hunting
Peter Yaworski
Antivirus Bypass Techniques
Nir Yehoshua & Uriel Kosayev
Mastering Transformers
Savas Yildirim & Meysam Asgari-Chenaghlu
The Tangled Web
Michal Zalewski
Jack of Shadows
Roger Zelazny
Learn to Code by Solving Problems
Daniel Zingaro
Python for Excel
Felix Zumstein