Shelf: 'Artificial Intelligence'

Advanced Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow 2

Ashish Bansal

Applied Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Self-Driving Cars

Sumit Ranjan & Dr. S. Senthamilarasu

Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering ...

L. Padma Suresh & Subhransu Sekhar Dash & Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi

Artificial Intelligence By Example

Denis Rothman

Artificial Intelligence for Digitising Industry

Ovidiu Vermesan & Reiner John & Cristina De Luca & Marcello Coppola

Bioinspired Computation in Combinatorial Optimization

Frank Neumann & Carsten Witt

Natural Computing Series (0.0)

Getting Started with Streamlit for Data Science

Tyler Richards

Hands-On Gradient Boosting with XGBoost and scikit-learn

Corey Wade

Interpretable Machine Learning with Python

Serg Masís

Machine Learning Engineering with Python

Andrew P. McMahon

Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading

Stefan Jansen

Machine Learning for Time-Series with Python

Ben Auffarth

The Machine Learning Solutions Architect Handbook

David Ping

Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms

Marco Tomassini

Natural Computing Series (0.0)

Stable Mutations for Evolutionary Algorithms

Andrzej Obuchowicz

Theory and Principled Methods for the Design of Metaheuristics

Yossi Borenstein & Alberto Moraglio

Natural Computing Series (0.0)

Transformers for Natural Language Processing

Denis Rothman