Shelf: 'Software Development'

Learn Functional Programming with Elixir

Ulisses Almeida

Digital Signal Processing: An Introduction

R. Anand

Machine Learning for Time-Series with Python

Ben Auffarth

Advanced Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow 2

Ashish Bansal

Pro Data Visualization Using R and JavaScript

Tom Barker & Jon Westfall

The Principles of Beautiful Web Design, 4th Edition

Jason Beaird

Build a Rock Paper Scissors Game from Scratch with React

Madars Biss

Build a Weather App from Scratch with Next.js

Madars Biss

Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development

Jim Blandy & Jason Orendorff

Theory and Principled Methods for the Design of Metaheuristics

Yossi Borenstein & Alberto Moraglio

Natural Computing Series (0.0)

Natural Language Processing Using R Pocket Primer

Oswald Campesato

Data Visualization with Python and JavaScript

Kyran Dale

Profiling Tracing Perf

Julia Evans

Wizard Zines (1)

So You Want To Be A Wizard

Julia Evans

Wizard Zines (2)

Spying on Your Programs with Strace

Julia Evans

Wizard Zines (3)

Bite Size Command Line

Julia Evans

Wizard Zines (15)

Engineering Agile Big-Data Systems

Feeney, Kevin & Davies, Jim & Hellmann, Sebastian

Big Data Management in Sensing: Applications in AI and Iot

Renny Fernandez & Terrance Frederick Fernandez

Build an App with TypeScript and the Pexels API

Jack Franklin

Designing Elixir Systems with Otp: Write Highly Scalable, Self-Healing ...

James Edward Gray & Bruce A. Tate

The Internet of Things

Samuel Greengard

Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science

B. S. Grewal

Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix

Lance Halvorsen

Creating Apps with React Native

M. Holmes He

Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir

Fred Hebert

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

Kevlin Henney

Programming WebAssembly with Rust

Kevin Hoffman

Build a Binary Clock with Elixir and Nerves

Frank Hunleth & Bruce Tate

Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading

Stefan Jansen

JavaScript: Novice to Ninja, 2nd Edition

Darren Jones

Learning Serverless

Jason Katzer

Science and Computing with Raspberry Pi

Brian R Kent

The Rust Programming Language (Covers Rust 2018)

Steve Klabnik & Carol Nichols

Building Offline Applications with Angular

Venkata Keerti Kotaru

Modern Front-end Architecture

Ryan Lanciaux

Designing the User Experience of Game Development Tools

David Lightbown

Interpretable Machine Learning with Python

Serg Masís

Machine Learning Engineering with Python

Andrew P. McMahon

Bioinspired Computation in Combinatorial Optimization

Frank Neumann & Carsten Witt

Natural Computing Series (0.0)

Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript, 5th Edition

Robin Nixon

Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript, 6th Edition

Robin Nixon

Web App Development and Real-Time Web Analytics with Python

Tshepo Chris Nokeri

Stable Mutations for Evolutionary Algorithms

Andrzej Obuchowicz

The Machine Learning Solutions Architect Handbook

David Ping

Applied Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Self-Driving Cars

Sumit Ranjan & Dr. S. Senthamilarasu

Getting Started with Streamlit for Data Science

Tyler Richards

Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5

Marcos Romero & Brenden Sewell & Luis Cataldi

Artificial Intelligence By Example

Denis Rothman

Transformers for Natural Language Processing

Denis Rothman

The Definitive Guide to Jakarta Faces in Jakarta EE 10

Bauke Scholtz & Arjan Tijms

Getting Started for Internet of Things with Launch Pad and ESP8266

Singh, Rajesh & Tyagi, Priyanka & Gehlot, Anita

The Web Application Hacker's Handbook

Dafydd Stuttard & Marcus Pinto

Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering ...

L. Padma Suresh & Subhransu Sekhar Dash & Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd Edition

Al Sweigart

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 4th Edition

Al Sweigart

Making Games with Python and Pygame

Al Sweigart

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 3rd Edition

Al Sweigart

Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms

Marco Tomassini

Natural Computing Series (0.0)

Database-Driven Web Development

Thomas Valentine

Unreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation, and Cinematics

Henk Venter & Wilhelm Ogterop

Artificial Intelligence for Digitising Industry

Ovidiu Vermesan & Reiner John & Cristina De Luca & Marcello Coppola

Hands-On Gradient Boosting with XGBoost and scikit-learn

Corey Wade

Jump Start Responsive Web Design, 2nd Edition

Chris Ward

Jump Start (1)